@Article{Meoni2018ExperimentalStudyStatic, author = {Andrea Meoni and Antonella D'Alessandro and Austin Downey and Enrique Garc{\'{\i}}a-Mac{\'{\i}}as and Marco Rallini and A. Materazzi and Luigi Torre and Simon Laflamme and Rafael Castro-Triguero and Filippo Ubertini}, title = {An Experimental Study on Static and Dynamic Strain Sensitivity of Embeddable Smart Concrete Sensors Doped with Carbon Nanotubes for {SHM} of Large Structures}, journal = {Sensors}, year = {2018}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {831}, month = {mar}, doi = {10.3390/s18030831}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/s18030831}, }